Dentist in Garden City NY
The most common reason for seeking out sedation dentistry is if you find yourself suffering from anxiety or stress regarding having dental work done. It's not the only reason, though. At The Gentle Dentist, we cater to those who are nervous and also to anyone who is fidgety, unable to sit still as the procedure is being done. In addition, if you're having multiple teeth worked on, which may take an extended session, sedation dentistry may also be very helpful.
When undergoing surgery in a hospital, you are most likely going to be under general anesthesia. This requires that you be completely asleep, and carries with it certain risks. You also wake up feeling groggy, and in need of time to recover before you feel normal again. However, our
dentist in Garden City NY provides oral conscious sedation. You will remain awake the entire time, breathe on your own, but you will feel completely relaxed and will not even be aware that you're having work done. And since you don't realize it's happening, there is no nervousness to deal with on your part. You can feel 100% confident because our sedation dentistry is fully safe, and our
dentist in Garden City NY is experienced in using it, and has the expertise to set your mind completely at ease. You should never go to a dentist who thinks you should just “get over it” when it comes to being nervous. In many cases, it is not something that you can simply will to go away. And no one should blame you for that involuntary response. Instead, you can get all of the benefits that are part of the necessary dental work you should be getting, but without the anxiousness that would otherwise make it a difficult or even impossible situation.
Contact our office and we will schedule your appointment with our
dentist in Garden City NY. You can breathe easily, knowing that you will not have to be subject to the fear and stress.
The Gentle Dentist
327 Nassau Boulevard South
Garden City, New York 11530
(516) 629-5436
By The Gentle Dentist
November 30, 2016
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